A powerful, evidence-based tool for quickly and accurately identifying dyslexia in children aged 5 and up. 

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What is the Shaywitz Shaywitz Dyslexia Screener? 

A revolutionary screener developed by Dr. Bennett and Dr. Sally Shaywitz. 
The Area Under the Curve is a number that tells clinicians if the screener is statistically valid. The Shaywitz screener is valid for students at the end of Kindergarten through adulthood. 
It also includes a detailed report that can be used to develop strategies for academic success. With this screener, educators can easily identify students at risk of having dyslexia so they can get the help they need.
General Questions 

Should I use the Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen more than once for a student?
Yes. Many state laws require annual screening in early grades. In addition, screening annually in early years increases the power of the results of the screener over time.
When using the Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen in Kindergarten, at what point during the school year should I screen?
Can a teacher purchase the Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen directly?
Why are the Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen forms named "Form 0, Form 1, etc." and not by grade (e.g., The Kindergarten Form)?
Content Questions 

Are the Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen results valid for children who are young or old for grade?
Can you comment on the perceived age of the original norm sample and the sample size of the national validation studies?
Does the Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen include a measure of rapid automatic naming (RAN) or family history?
Should students who are English Language Learners (ELLs) also be screened for dyslexia?
In the Connecticut Longitudinal Study, did teachers have training in dyslexia?
Experts I’ve read define dyslexia as word level reading difficulties but average or better than average language skills. Word reading skills, reading fluency and reading comprehension are substantially below the student's language comprehension skills. If language is strong, how can dyslexia be a language-based disorder?
Can't teachers skew the results by selecting the frequency that will automatically yield an at-risk rating, making this not a valid indicator of risk for dyslexia?


The Dyslexia Resource Center was started by a group of concerned parents, medical doctors, and advocates who simply want everyone to know the truth about dyslexia, based on the most current science, and how that knowledge can translate into success in the classroom. 


An unexpected difficulty in reading for an individual who has the intelligence to be a much better reader. 

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